I. Write the opposites.
good-looking- selfish-
thin- usual-
stout- joyful-
II. Use to with the verbs where necessary to complete the sentences and write them down.
1. It’s difficult (get up) in the morning. 2. You mustn’t (be) rude to people. 3. I can’t (believe) Olga’s story. 4. Don’t forget (take) the dog out. 5. They must (arrive) in Berlin early in the morning. 6. Olga could (dance) when she was six. 7. I can’t (tell) you anything about the film.

III. Write the same differently.
Example: Everybody can make mistakes. Everybody is able to make mistakes.
1. I can’t speak Italian. 2. John couldn’t swim when he was five. 3. We can’t go to the cinema today. 4. Olga couldn’t wait any longer. 5. Molly can wear a suit tonight. 6. You can’t go to school if you are ill.

Iv. Complete these tag questions.
1. You mustn’t talk loudly in the library,…?
2. Wendy should buy a present for her friend,…?
3. Tom couldn’t dance when he was four,…?
4. Don was able to write the test well,…?
5. I am able to do it,…?
6. We don’t have to get up early,…?
V Use the prepositions into, to(2),off above, on, in(2) where necessary to complete the sentences.
1. It is very hot today. The temperature is 35 degrees…zero. 2. When Jane goes…the shop, she spends a lot of money…sweets. 3. …the morning snowflakes fell… the ground. 4. Take…your clothes and come …the room. 5. Are high boots still…fashion?

VI. Translate from Russian to English.
Длинные волосы, большой рот, красивое лицо, овальное лицо, вздернутый нос, полные руки, жадный мальчик, честный человек, скромный ученик

aArisha2772 aArisha2772    1   15.05.2020 16:50    3

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