I. Выберите соответствующее слово, данное в скобках
1. They showed me (their / theirs )garden, I showed them (my, mine).
2. ( Our / Ours ) school is not very big. (Your / Yours) is bigger.
3. This is (your / yours ) bag. This bag is (yours/ your ).
4. That is (my /mine )picture. That picture is (my /mine ).
5. His bike is good,( her/ hers ) is better, (my/mine ) is the best.

II Составь предложения, используя слова (souvenirs, railway station, straight , south , west, which, souvenirs, situated, supermarket)
1. Yaroslavl is on the Volga River.
2. You can buy food in a .
3. Turn right and go on.
4. There is a modern airport and a in our city.
5. He bought a lot of in the shopping centre yesterday.
6. It is often warm or hot in the …. of our country in summer.
7…. of you lives in Moscow?
III Заполни пропуски, используя глаголы say, says, tell, tells.
1. The teacher us to go home because it is late.
2. Could you me the time, please?
3. Mike : “Good morning. How are you?”
4. They to us that they like Riahnna’s songs very much.

IV ответь на во Используй картинку.
1. Where is the university?
2. Where is the restaurant?
3. Where is the cinema?​

Рама8ан Рама8ан    1   21.04.2020 12:06    3

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