I. Выберите правильную глагольную форму.
1 They have played / have been playing since 2 o'clock.
2 Is it still raining? - No, it has stopped / has been stopping raining.
3 Ann's clothes are covered in paint. She has painted / has been painting the ceiling. She
hasn't finished / hasn't been finishing yet.
4 I have drunk / have been drinking too much coffee today.
5 This is the best book I have ever read / have ever been reading.
6 I have broken / have been breaking your favourite cup. I'm very sorry.
7 Have you seen / Have you been seeing my phone anywhere? I have looked / have been
looking for it for ages.
II. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect или Present Perfect-Continuous.
1 I (not/see) Tom since Monday.
2 What (do) here the whole morning?
3 I (know) Dave for ages.
4 John is reading a book. He (read) it for two hours. He (read) 150 pages already.
5 I'm angry! Someone (eat) my chocolate.
6 Bill (translate) the text since morning but he (not/translate) it yet.
7 Why are you out of breath? - I (run).

oal64 oal64    3   15.05.2020 15:18    0

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