I. Выберите правильную форму притяжательного местоимения (простую или абсолютную): 1. (My / Mine) copybooks are in the bag and where are (your / yours)?
2. Whose house is that? – It’s (hers / her). She bought it two years ago.
3. (Theirs / Their) relatives live in the USA but (ours / our) live in Latin America.
4. (Yours / Your) cats are so clever but (mine / my) aren’t clever at all.
5. (Ours / Our) children like chocolates very much but (your / yours) don’t like sweets.

II. Выберите правильную форму глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. My brother never (go; goes; will go) on business trips by train. He prefers taking planes.
2. Peter and Sara (see; saw; will see) a new melodrama on TV the day before yesterday.
3. We (enjoy; enjoys; will enjoy) jogging in the morning every day.
4. They (visited; visits, will visit) Red square in Moscow next month.
5. My father and I (lives; lived; will live) in Berlin when my dad was a military officer.
III. Вставьте вместо пропуска: (do / does / don’t / doesn’t):
1. I … have friends in England but I have many friends in Italy.
2. … he have many friends at school? My daughter … have any friends at school.
3. Our uncle … have a house in the village but he has a big apartment in the city.
4. …you have much free time next Sunday? How about going to the café together?
5. His uncle … have a car. He has a Japanese motorcycle. It’s very expensive.
IV. Вместо пропуска вставьте правильный предлог:
1. My parents always go to Paris … airplane. They are working in France. (by; over; with; to).
2. There are a lot of English dictionaries … the college library. (under; over; on; in)
3. This present is … your sister. Happy birthday … her! (for; at; in; to;)
4. There is a beautiful park … our school. We enjoy walking there. (over; on; behind; for)
5. I prefer eating chicken soup … sour cream and pepper. (on; with; under; at)

V. Переведите предложения на русский язык в скобках поставьте правильный фразовый глагол:
look forward to / take down / look after / take up / take off /
1. Her grandmother is old enough. Tanya must … … her every day.
2. … … my telephone number and call me the day after tomorrow, please.
3. We … … to going to Spain for winter holiday. We learn Spanish and we like traveling.
4. My children are at the airport in Moscow. The plane will … … in 20 minutes.
5. I like watching basketball on TV and soon I want to … … playing basketball myself.

VI. Вместо пропуска вставьте правильную форму глагола «to be»: is / are / will be / was / were /:
1. There … a lot of beautiful skyscrapers and places of interest in New York.
2. … there many students at the History class last Monday?
3. There … a lot of milk at home now, just enough for today.
4. … there any fresh vegetables and fruits in the local market today? – Yes, there …a lot.
5. There … two PE classes and a Biology class at college the day after tomorrow.

Викa1000000 Викa1000000    3   17.12.2020 11:28    2

vladplotnikov2 vladplotnikov2  17.12.2020 11:30

1. Is this (your) book?

2. It's their door, not (ours).

3. They're new pupils and I don't know (their) names.

4. My flat is bigger than (hers), but (hers) is nicer.

5. That's not (my) book. (Mine) is new.

6. They took (our) books and we took (theirs).

7. Are these pencils (hers)?

8. Is this (your) house or (theirs)?


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