I. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. Mike … a little strange fellow.

a) am b) is c) are

2. The house … old but still beautiful.

a) was b) be c) were

3. Dorian … good time next summer.

a) has b) had c) will have

4. They always … dinner at the same time.

a) have b) has c) to have

II. Выберите правильный вариант перевода глагола to be:

5. They were to meet at7 sharp in his favourite bar.

a) были b) должны были c) -

6. Arthur was riding up to Covent Garden.

a) был b) должен былc) -

7. He is at home every evening.

a) находится b) должен c) -

8. Such a kind of information is published in some newspapers.

a) есть b) должен c) -

III. Выберите правильный вариант перевода глагола to have:

9. They will have to take your words into account.

a) будут иметь b) должны будут c) -

10. Nobody could tell why she had done it afterwards.

a) имела b) должна была c) -

11. Sue has a nice evening dress.

a) имеет b) должна c) -

12. Everybody has to remember this simple rule.

a) имеет b) должен c) -

IV. Выберите нужное местоимение:

13. They refused to go by … car.

a) she b) her c) hers

14. It was time for the third man to tell ... story.

a) his b) him c) himself

15. She objected to … smoking.

a) them b) their c) themselves

16. … speaks Italian very well.

a) He b) Him c) Himself

V. Укажите, какое слово можно употребить вместо подчеркнутого так, чтобы смысл предложения не изменился:

17. I don’t like too much butter on my bread.

a) many b) lot of c) little

18. Why did you by so many magazines.

a) so b) so much c) so a lot of

19. This problem is spoken much.

a) a lot b) a bit c) a few

20. There are a few new boards in the floor.

a) not many b) not much c) not a lot

VI. Выберите правильный предлог:

21. Switch … the light, its dark here.

a) on b) out c) off

22. They are very good … painting.

a) for b) at c) by

23. The work will have been completed … the end of the month.

a) in b) by c) on

24. He has come back just … the 1st of January.

a) at b) for c) on

VII. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного:

25. Philip is twice as … as his brother.

a) old b) elder c) oldest

26. The second day was even … than the first.

a) good b) better c) best

27. Loy is … man I have ever met.

a) strong b) stronger c) the strongest

28. This house is much … .

a) comfortable b) more comfortable

c) most comfortable

VIII. Выберите правильную форму глагола – сказуемого:

29. We went to Ann yesterday. She … us everything.

a) tells b) told c) will tell

30. His friend … football since he was 7 years old.

a) plays b) is playing c) has been playing

31. I’ll meet him soon. He … next Sunday.

a) arrives b) arrived c) will arrive

32. Don’t trouble him. He … ready for exam now.

a) gets b) is getting c) has

IX. Выберите правильную форму глагола в условном предложении:

33. If we … the tickets, we shall go to this match.

a) get b) will get c) got

34. If I phoned you yesterday, ... to the party?

a) would you come b) did you come

c) would you have come

35. If anybody … , we wouldn’t ask you to help us.

a) comes b) came c) will come

36. I wish that you … your exam yesterday.

a) passed b) have passed c) had passed

X. Выберите нужный вариант неличной формы глагола:

37. She was… in the library the whole evening yesterday.

a) work b) worked c) working

38. … is a rather complex thing.

a) Drive b) Driving c) Droven

39. The designers wanted … a new car version.

a) develop b) to develop c) developing

40. If … the article can be published.

a) change b) changed c) changing

ЛеночкаБелочка ЛеночкаБелочка    1   09.04.2020 12:51    0

puremoorning puremoorning  12.10.2020 23:55
iswaswill havehave??? аа???
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