I. Выберите подходящее из выделенных слов и вставьте его в пред-
1. production\produced\productive\product
A. In 1992, China500 thousand metric tons of rice.
B. The phase encompasses product research and development, purchase of materials, and manufacturing.
C. Our is so successful that we are rapidly running out of stock.
D. Jim proved to be very .
2. distribution\distributor\distribute
A. Factory representatives products to wholesalers and retailers.
B. Moving a truckload of apples from the orchard to the supermarket is the example of .
C. British Leyland is an importer and by trade.
3. sales\sell\ sale
A. How efficiently a company its products will in large measure determine its success.
B. A company’s annual report includes the figures for the current fiscal year.
C. Sam got a with one of the top manufactures.
4. profits\profit\profitable
A. The farm is highly business.
B. The company explores natural resources to its own .
5. allocated\allocation\allocate
A. The company’s management can resources properly.
B. The resources to be are scarce.
C. A manager should monitor the of responsibilities.