I. выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа: 2. my subordinates usually … five days a week, and this week they … six days. a. work; work c. are working; are working b. are working; work d. work; are working 3. when mr. lyndon arrived, the managing director … lunch, but stopped in order to talk to him. a. was having b. had c. were having d. had been having 4. the company … for office managers now. a. advertised b. has advertised c. was advertised d. is advertising 5. don’t worry … late tonight. a. if i’ll be b. if i am c. when i’ll be d. if i be 6. what time … the accident …? a. did; happen b. has; happened c. had; happened d. was; happening 7. i … a very difficult day tomorrow. i need to prepare for the exam. a. will have b. am having c. have d. would have 8. we had many difficulties but we … them. a. have overcome b. overcame c. had overcome d. will overcome 9. at 9 a.m. on tuesday the public relations manager … the delegation in the office. a. will receive c. will be receiving b. is receiving d. would receive 10. i … always … if the service is bad in restaurants. a. –; complain c. will; be complaining b. am; complaining d. will; complain 11. at first i thought i … the right thing, but i soon realized that i … a serious mistake. a. did; made c. have done; have made b. had done; had made d. did; had made 12. this … the third time i … you one and the same question. a. has been; asked c. is; am asking b. is; have asked d. has been; had asked 13. next week kate mckenna … to the usa on business. a. is going b. is going to go c. goes d. will go 14. how long … you … here? – since i graduated from the university. a. have been working c. did work b. had worked d. do work 15. i … agricultural fairs a lot, but i don’t any more. a. was used to attend c. was attending b. used to attending d. used to attend 16. … you … the bank when you go out? i need to top up my mobile account. a. will; have passed c. will; be passing b. do; pass d. are; passing 17. the economic situation is already very bad and it … worse. a. is getting b. gets c. got d. would be getting 18. he is broke. he … all his money into some hoity-toity business. a. put b. has put c. had put d. puts 19. i think it … a hard time for our enterprise. a. is going to be b. will be c. have been d. had been 20. everything is going well. we … any problems so far, fortunately. a. didn’t have b. weren’t having c. haven’t had d. don’t have 21. we … a lot of orders from other firms at this price and more orders … now. a. have got; are coming c. got; came b. get; will come d. got; are coming 22. the participants … the matter before the chairman … . a. will be discussing; will come c. will have discussed; comes b. will discuss; come d. discuss; will come 23. it … an invention which … the foundations of modern information technology. a. was; laid c. had been; lied b. has been; lies d. is; has been lying 24. i … the chief executive himself today, but i … to his deputy. a. didn’t see; spoke c. don’t see; speak b. haven’t seen; have spoken d. didn’t see; have spoken 25. i … ill since i … up this morning. a. am feeling; got c. feel; have got b. had felt; have got d. have been feeling; got 26. she … promoted because she … a lot of good work. a. has got; is doing c. had got; has done b. got; had done d. got; was doing 27. by next summer you … english for two years. a. will study c. will have been studying b. have studied d. are studying 28. she … at the parcel long-enough, before she … that it was for her boss. a. had been looking; had understood c. was looking; understood b. had been looking; understood d. was looking; had understood 29. he … through advertising brochures when i … the room yesterday. a. had been looking; entered c. was looking; entered b. looked; had entered d. was looking; was entering 30. after we … the specimens of your products, we came to the conclusion that they … our requirements. a. had examined; met c. have examined; meets b. examined; had met d. had examined; meet

Егор4ik18 Егор4ik18    1   15.06.2019 08:20    17

asdffhcjbh asdffhcjbh  12.07.2020 14:47
2. My subordinates usually … five days a week, and this week they … six days. d. work; are working
3. When Mr. Lyndon arrived, the Managing Director … lunch, but stopped in order to talk to him. a. was having
4. The company … for office managers now. d. is advertising
5. Don’t worry … late tonight. b. if I am
6. What time … the accident …? a. did; happen
7. I … a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam. a. will have
8. We had many difficulties but we … them. a. have overcome
9. At 9 a.m. on Tuesday the Public Relations Manager … the delegation in the office. b. is receiving 10. I … always … if the service is bad in restaurants. a. –; complain
11. At first I thought I … the right thing, but I soon realized that I … a serious mistake. b. had done; had made made
12. This … the third time I … you one and the same question. a. has been; asked 13. Next week Kate McKenna … to the USA on business. a. is going
14. How long … you … here? – Since I graduated from the university. a. have been working
15. I … agricultural fairs a lot, but I don’t any more. d. used to attend
16. … you … the bank when you go out? I need to top up my mobile account. c. Will; be passing
17. The economic situation is already very bad and it … worse. a. is getting
18. He is broke. He … all his money into some hoity-toity business. b. has put
19. I think it … a hard time for our enterprise. a. is going to be
20. Everything is going well. We … any problems so far, fortunately. c. haven’t had
21. We … a lot of orders from other firms at this price and more orders … now. a. have got; are coming
22. The participants … the matter before the chairman … . c. will have discussed; comes
23. It … an invention which … the foundations of modern information technology. a. was; laid
24. I … the Chief Executive himself today, but I … to his deputy. b. haven’t seen; have spoken
25. I … ill since I … up this morning. d. have been feeling; got
26. She … promoted because she … a lot of good work. b. got; had done
27. By next summer you … English for two years. c. will have been studying 28. She … at the parcel long enough, before she … that it was for her boss. b. had been looking; understood
29. He … through advertising brochures when I … the room yesterday. c. was looking; entered
30. After we … the specimens of your products, we came to the conclusion that they … our requirements. a. had examined; met
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