I.выберите нужный артикль: a) a b) an c) the d) “-“ i live on …(1) second floor of …(2) old block of flats. my …(3) flat is not very large, but it is cosy. there are three rooms in …(4) flat. …(5) largest room is … (6) living-room. my son’s …(7) room is …(8) smallest. we have got …(9) central heating, but we have no …(10) fireplace.

tor142003 tor142003    3   17.03.2019 14:07    0

ghost133 ghost133  25.05.2020 20:09
1) the

2) an

3) -

4) the

5) the

6) a

7) -

8) the

9) a

10) a
chelsea6 chelsea6  25.05.2020 20:09

1  the,2 - , 3 -,4 the,5-, 6 a,7 -,8-,9-,10-.

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