i. выберите нужную форму сказуемого:

1. the sales manager on a business trip to london next week.

a) goes b) went c) will go

2. it a small number of its products last year.

a) sales b) will sale c) sold

3. i always on my friends.

a) rely b) relied c) will rely

4. mr. benson for "john and son' as a manager.

a) works b) will work c) worked

5. we a new branch in paris next year.

a) establish b) established c) will establish

6. the company much money in this significant project last year.

a) invested b) invests c) will incest

ii. поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму и задайте общий вопрос:

1. he will go on a business trip to moscow next week.
2. we discussed some problems in chamber of commerce.
3. the chief accountant is responsible for all the money of the firm.

iii. перепишите предложения. переведите на язык. задайте специальный вопрос к подчеркнутым словам.

1. the company spent a great deal of money on purchases of raw materials.

iv. поставьте глагол "to be" правильную форму и переведите.

1. her typing good.
2. this local branch independent last year.
3. in berlin in two weeks.
4. the managing director responsible for the overall running of the company.

v. поставьте правильно в предложении данные слена наречия:

1. often / it takes part in all the exhibitions.
2. seldom / you will have free time.
3. usually / we don't invest our money in bad projects.
4. always / this company specialized in producing cars.

vi. замените подлежащее соответствующим личным местоимением.

1. my friend will write a letter to me.
2. my office is near the bus-stop.
3. the lessons began at 8 o'clock last year.

igrik25 igrik25    2   12.11.2019 23:51    5

Milky0405 Milky0405  10.10.2020 12:50

1)c, c, a, c, c, a

2) He won't go on a business trip to Moscow next week. Will he go on a business trip to Moscow next week?

We didn't discuss some problems in Chamber of Commerce. Did we discuss some problems in Chamber of Commerce?

The chief accountant is not responsible for all the money of the firm. Is the chief accountant responsible for all the money of the firm?

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