*I* Use Present Simple or Present Continuous.*. *1* I -- /see/ my aunt tonight. *2* Tony and Mary /play/ computer games. *3* He always ---/ go/ to the office by car. *4* Nick ---/ read/ an interesting book. *II* *Use Passive Voice* *1* The poem --- /write/ ,by George Byron. *2* Jane --/see/ by the doctor right now. *3* The new red car -- / buy/ by my father. *III* *Use prepositions : with, on, in, by, to* *1* I go to the cinema my friends. *2* Mary and Tom go --- the theatre. *3* My mother came home -- Thursday. *4* Nick study ---secondary school. *IV.Use phrasal verb to chech: in, out, over, off* *1* I arrived at the hotel and checked---. *2* Frank checked --- his work before giving it to the teacher. *3* When I got to London, I checked --- to a hotel. *4* Have you checked --- all items on your list? *V Match . Shops / Products.* 1.Florist's a ) digital camera 2.Newsagent's b) a 18th century mirror. 3. Bakery c) a magazine 4.Antiques shop d) a loaf of bread 5. Electronic shop e) bunch of roses 6. Boutique f) an evening dress

ggdfjfxxglvx ggdfjfxxglvx    1   14.05.2020 11:27    8

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