I. supply the correct prepositions where necessary. oleg gromov, a russian businessman, has come london to make a english cars. mr lewis, his business partner, is phoning him to invite him a business lunch. lewis: well, oleg, could you have lunch me today 12.30? gromov: thank you, john. lewis: i know a good restaurant which is famous its chinese cuisine. it’s only a few minutes’ walk your hotel. gromov: how do i get there? lewis: when you leave the hotel turn the left and go straight street. the restaurant will be your right. it’s a beautiful building. you can’t miss it. gromov: good. see you 12.30 then. ii. ex. 12. choose the correct forms of the verbs. 1. i don’t know if the company (give, will give) us a 10% discount. 2. the director asks the secretary when she (fax, will fax) the contract. 3. we’ll speak about the terms of delivery after we (discuss, will discuss) the price for the goods. 4. i’ll stay at this hotel if they (offer, will offer) me a single room with a private bathroom. 5. i don’t know if my friends (go, will go) on a package tour of france next month. 6. i am not sure if the new model of pump (is, will be) in demand on the market. 7. eliza would like to know if mr gromov (go, will go) sightseeng in london. 8. the secretary will meet the chinese businessmen when they (arrive, will arrive) at the office. 9. i’ll go to see the new detective film if you (recommend, will recommend) me to see it. 10. the french sportsmen will go to see the new sports centre outside moscow if you (tell, will tell) them how to get there.

fpokryshkin fpokryshkin    2   28.03.2019 14:30    31

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