I. раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужной форме, соблюдая согласование времен: 1.the man explained that he (not to speak) english. 2. he discovered his abilities as a hypnotist when he (to be) a schoolboy. 3. the scientist insisted that sleep (to be) just a waste of time. 4. we suppose that they (to finish) the experiment. 5. we think that john (to know) all the facts. 6. she knew that we (to carry out) important experiments. 7. he said that the lecture (to be) very interesting. 8. in early society it was believed that prophets (can) foretell the future. 9. these facts are sufficient to disprove two theories of ability that (to suggest) recently. 10. the school psychologist was asked to explore why cara’s behaviour (to change) so much.

рай34 рай34    3   30.03.2019 18:48    3

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