I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1. Elves* (live) in a tree. *elves - эльфы
2. Nanny Plum always (use) magic.
3. Daisy and Poppy (sleep) now.
4. Ben and Holly usually (play) with Gaston.
5. Gaston (fly) at the moment.
6. King Thistle (dislike*) his birthdays. *dislike – не нравиться
7. Mr. Elf often (work) hard.
8. Holly (make*) her bed now. *make a bed – заправлять кровать

II. Give advice* (совет). Use should or shouldn’t.
e.g. Nanny Plum (use) magic too often. (-) Nanny Plum shouldn’t use magic too often.

1. Daisy and Poppy (use) their magic wands*. (-) *magiс wands – волшебные палочки
2. Gaston (clean) his house. (+)
3. Lucy (tell) anyone about elves and fairies. (-)
4. Queen Thistle (make) a phone call to the Marigolds. (+)
5. Gaston (eat) King Thistle’s shoes. (-)
6. Holly (go) to bed because it’s late. (+)
7. Wise Old Elf (be) too curious*. (-) *curious - любопытный
8. Ben (help) his father. (+)

III. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Yesterday elves and fairies …
1. Nanny Plum (cook) a lot of jelly.
2. Wise Old Elf (read) an interesting book.
3. Big Bad Barry (eat) Mr. Elf’s boat.
4. Gaston (play) with Ben and Holly.
5. Daisy and Poppy (drink) milk.
6. Lucy (help) her dad in the garden.
7. Strawberry (get) a present*. *present – подарок
8. King Thistle (walk) by the lake.

IV. Write sentences about what elves and fairies used/didn’t use to do in the past.

1. King Thistle (have) hair. (+)
2. Gaston (fly). (-)
3. Mrs. Witch (be) a nice girl. (+)
4. Nanny Plum (like) frogs. (-)
5. Queen Thistle and Queen Marigold (live) together in their childhood*. (+) *childhood - детство
6. Wise Old Elf (have) a hobby. (-)
7. Big Bad Barry (eat) boats. (+)
8. Lucy (know) Ben and Holly. (-)
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. Elves* (live) in a tree. *elves - эльфы
2. Nanny Plum always (use) magic.
3. Daisy and Poppy (sleep) now.
4. Ben and Holly usually (play) with Gaston.
5. Gaston (fly) at the moment.
6. King Thistle (dislike*) his birthdays. *dislike – не нравиться
7. Mr. Elf often (work) hard.
8. Holly (make*) her bed now. *make a bed – заправлять кровать

II. Give advice* (совет). Use should or shouldn’t.
e.g. Nanny Plum (use) magic too often. (-) Nanny Plum shouldn’t use magic too often.

1. Daisy and Poppy (use) their magic wands*. (-) *magiс wands – волшебные палочки
2. Gaston (clean) his house. (+)
3. Lucy (tell) anyone about elves and fairies. (-)
4. Queen Thistle (make) a phone call to the Marigolds. (+)
5. Gaston (eat) King Thistle’s shoes. (-)
6. Holly (go) to bed because it’s late. (+)
7. Wise Old Elf (be) too curious*. (-) *curious - любопытный
8. Ben (help) his father. (+)

III. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Yesterday elves and fairies …
1. Nanny Plum (cook) a lot of jelly.
2. Wise Old Elf (read) an interesting book.
3. Big Bad Barry (eat) Mr. Elf’s boat.
4. Gaston (play) with Ben and Holly.
5. Daisy and Poppy (drink) milk.
6. Lucy (help) her dad in the garden.
7. Strawberry (get) a present*. *present – подарок
8. King Thistle (walk) by the lake.

IV. Write sentences about what elves and fairies used/didn’t use to do in the past.

1. King Thistle (have) hair. (+)
2. Gaston (fly). (-)
3. Mrs. Witch (be) a nice girl. (+)
4. Nanny Plum (like) frogs. (-)
5. Queen Thistle and Queen Marigold (live) together in their childhood*. (+) *childhood - детство
6. Wise Old Elf (have) a hobby. (-)
7. Big Bad Barry (eat) boats. (+)
8. Lucy (know) Ben and Holly. (-)

polina12318 polina12318    1   24.11.2020 21:44    4

ilona125 ilona125  24.12.2020 21:44

1) 1 - live

2 - uses

3 - are sleeping

4 - play

5 - is flying

6 - dislikes

7 - works

8 - is making

2) 1 - shouldn't use

2 - should clean

3 - shouldn't tell

4 - should make

5 - shouldn't eat

6 - should go

7 - shouldn't be

8 - should help

3) 1 - cooked

2 - read

3 - ate

4 - played

5 - drank

6 - helped

7 - got

8 - walked

4) 1 - had

2 - didn't fly

3 - was

4 - didn't like

5 - lived

6 - didn't have

7 - ate

8 - didn't know

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