I. Поставьте прилагательные в правильную степень сравнения (сравнительную или превосходную)

1. My house is……………(big) than yours.
2. Mary is ……………..(good) student in the class.
3. Sandra did ………………(bad) of all in the test.
4. Their car is……………….(cool) in the neighbourhood.
5. Do you really think that Tina is…………..(clever) than Sandra?
6. Monica has…………….(little) toys than Erin.
7. Poor thing! That’s…………….(sad) thing I’ve ever heard!
8. Luke’s shoes are………………(dirty) today than they were yesterday.
9. I can say that it’s …………………….(interesting) movie I’ve ever seen.
10. Sally is much…………………..(pretty) than Kate.
11. Dan feels much…………………(good) today.
12. The…………..(old) she gets, the…………………….(beautiful) she becomes.
13. This exercise is ……………………..(difficult) in the test.
14. We have to hurry up as it’s getting………………..(dark) and ………………..(dark).
15. Everybody knows that Kevin is………………(strong) than Alan.

II. Вставьте правильный модальный глагол
(can / can’t / could / must / mustn’t / have to / should)

1. I …… do my homework every day.
2. We …… talk during the exam.
3. My father ……. play guitar when he was 12.
4. You …… change your shirt. It’s dirty.
5. We …… wear school uniform at lyceum.
6. You ………mix black and white clothes in the washing machine.
7. All children ……. help their parents. They are tired after work.
8. ……. you help me with these heavy bags, please?
9. We go to eleventh floor. We …... to take the lift.
10. You …… copy in your exams!
11. My cousin …… play basketball very well.
12. My grandmother …… eat sugar. She is diabetic.
13. You ……. park here. It is not allowed.
14. I ……. swim so fast as my elder brother as he is a professional swimmer.
15. My aunt ……. write beautiful tales for children. She is a famous writer.

idrisovbulat idrisovbulat    1   22.04.2020 17:53    8

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