I. поставьте глаголы в скобках в форме настоящего завершенно
1. it (begin) to rain and hob (take) my umbrella!
2. frieda (say) she likes rain at night.
3. i (go) from london to brighton many a time by car
4. i (use) it nearly every day and (do) ten thousand miles
5. hob (learn) to drive.
6. lucille (have) lessons for about a year.
7. the lessons not (finish) yet.
8. i never (hear) of anyone needing 100 lessons before.
9. you must (be) to a very bad teacher.
10. i (do) the same as hob; i (ask) the artist to tell the story
in pictures.
11. i often (hear) people say that the weather in england is
- bad.
12. we already (have) summer.
13. jan and olaf just (come) back from their holiday.
14. nothing ever (stop) hob from sleepping when he wants to.
15. you (be) to the cinema? (interrogative.)
16. you all (finish) for the present? (interrogative.)
17. you (read) the book (interrogative.) that mr. priestley
18. you (teil) that story quite well.
19. i never (drive) through such rain.
20. you (drive) your car much? (interrogative.)
21. i offen (think) that you drive well, and (wish) that i could
22. he (teach) you to drive yet? (interrogative and negativе)​

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