I. Open the brackets using the correct verb form.-откройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Perfect Progressive 1. He ... experiments for a year (make).

2. I … myself that question for many years (ask).

3. You ... me since the very moment I left the house (follow).

4. My Mum (to do) aerobics for a year and she (to look) great.

5. Our friends (to take) part in singing competitions for a long time.

6. "Ford" Corporation (to produce) nice cars since the last century.

7. She ... with us since then (live).

8. How long ... the children ... (play)?

II. You have to say how long something has been happening –Напишите, как долго продолжалось действие?

Example: It is snowing. It began snowing two hours ago. It has been snowing for two hours.

1. Sam is studying German. He started studying it two years ago. He ... for two years.

2. My friend is working at his report. He began working at it in the morning. He ... since morning.

3. You are taking music lessons. You began taking music lessons six months ago. You ... for six months.

4. Mary is looking for a job. She began looking for it in December. She... since December.

III. Read the sentences and add a sentence with the Present Perfect Progressive. Прочитайте предложения и напишите причину, почему это происходит?

Example: Tom is out of breath (he / run). He has been running.-Том тяжело дышит. Он бежал.

1. We are tired. (we / work / hard)

2. John's clothes are dirty. (he / clean / his car)

3. The children are hot and excited. (they / play football)

4. Tom's skin is red. (he / sunbathe / for hours) 5. Mary is slim. (she / keep to a diet)

denisshirockow denisshirockow    3   27.12.2020 23:50    2

aslanovvadim aslanovvadim  26.01.2021 23:51

1. has been making

2. have been asking

3. have been following

4. has been doing ... has been looking

5. have been taking

6. has been producing

7. has been living

8. have the children been playing

1. has been studying

2. has been working

3. have been taking music lessons

4. has been looking

1. We have been working hard

2. He has been cleaning his car

3. They have been playing football

4. He has been sunbathing for hours

5. She has been keeping to a diet

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