I. Match the two parts of the sentences:

1. I’m just finalising a the files you asked for

2. Please let everyone b from Head office

3. I’ve had a message c come to the meeting

4. Please confirm that you can d meeting you last week

5. We met recently e the arrangements for next week

6. John f know about the arrangements

7. I really enjoyed g please make the necessary arrangements

8. I have attached h in the London office

II. Put the correct form, - ing or infinitive, in these sentences.

9. Please ………..(confirm) that you can come.

10. Can you ………. (check) the brochure for us?

11. I look forward to ……. .. (to receive) the document.

12. I enjoyed ………… (meet) you last week.

13. Mr. Lahtinen will be ………. (visit) Helsinki tomorrow.

14. Could you let me ……… (know) if everything is OK.

15. How did the meeting ………..(go) yesterday?

III. Match the opening greeting with the most suitable close.

16. Dear Sir a Yours faithfully

b All the best

17. Fred a Best regards

b Yours sincerely

18. Hi Isabel a With very best regards

b See you

19. Dear Dr. Somerset a Yours sincerely

b Best wishes

20. Hello everyone a Yours faithfully

b Regards

IV. Complete the sentences with a preposition.

21. I’m very interested coming to the seminar.

22. I look forward hearing from you.

23. We met the Shanghai seminar.

24. I ‘d like to make some changes the programme.

25. I’ll see you Monday 3 p.m.

26. Call me my mobile.

27. There will be a buffet lunch midday.

28. I’ve attached the files you asked .

29. We are a leading exporter ………. electrical goods.

30. I would like the work completed ……… the end of the week.

V. Tick the phrase in each pair which is more informal:

31.a Hi Fausta

b Dear Fausta

32.a Yours sincerely

b Regards

33. a No problem

b There is no problem

34. a I would like to invite you to visit our office.

b Come and visit our office.

35. a Please confirm that you can attend.

b Let me know if you can come.

Viktyfox17 Viktyfox17    3   01.12.2020 16:15    8

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