I. Измените глаголы на время (Past Simple).

1.They eat a lot of fruit. – They ate a lot of fruit.

2. We go shopping every Saturday.

3. He gets up early.

4. He reads English books.

5. He sees a funny rabbit under the tree.

6. They often talk about films.

7. The lesson starts at 8 o`clock.

8. We study English Grammar.

9. I often make toys for my little brother.

10. She takes an umbrella.

II. Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски правильными словами.

It was a nice spring day. The sun was high in the sky. In the centre of London a policeman saw a man with a big lion. They were walking down the street.

“Hey, you!” cried the policeman. “What are you doing here with this lion? You can`t walk around London with a lion. It is not a pet! Take it to the Zoo!”

“Ok, officer. Now I want to show Baby the town, then I will take him to the Zoo.”

He opened the door of his car and the lion jumped in. The car went away.

The next day the policemen saw the man and the lion again.

“Hey, you!” he said. “Come over here! And bring that lion with you!”

The man took the lion to the police officer.

“What is the problem?”

“Problem? I told you yesterday to take the lion to the zoo!”

“Oh, I did officer. I took Baby to the Zoo. He liked it very much. But today I am taking him to the Green Park.”

1. It was a nice

a) winter day

b) spring evening

c) day

d) summer night

2. The policeman saw the man and the lion in the

a) park

b) street

c) Zoo

d) car

3. Baby was a

a) baby

b) lion

c) police officer

d) man

4. The man had a as a pet.

a) baby

b) big cat

c) policeman

d) wild animal

5. The lion visited

a) the Zoo

b) the swimming pool

c) the park

d) Africa

6. The policeman was when he saw the man and the lion again.

a) happy

b) tired

c) angry

d) hungry

krutikovaelizaozax2f krutikovaelizaozax2f    1   17.02.2021 14:24    2

STavctva STavctva  17.02.2021 14:30

ответ:какой класс..?


barbariskaulyaЮлия barbariskaulyaЮлия  17.02.2021 14:30

какой класс

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