I. insert an article where necessary.a. an.the 1. i like to have a good breakfast of … bread, … butter, … milk or … cream. 2. where is … butter? – it is in the fridge. 3. put … milk on the gas-stove. 4. pass me … cream, please. 5. in england friends often meet at tea time for a chat while they have their cup of … tea, … cake or … breadand- butter. 6. … chalk is white. 7. you must not drink … cold water. 8. … water in this lake is warm. 9. some kinds of … glass are as strong as … metal. 10. different kinds of … artificial silk are very common nowadays. 11. …silk of these curtains was the same colour as that of the cushions. 12. … gas and electricity are the conveniences we have in every flat. 13. the spoon is made of … wood. 14. … butter and … cheese are made from … milk. 15. i’m afraid … milk has gone sour, ann. 16. she ate … ice-cream after dinner and fell ill.

katyan1va katyan1va    2   04.08.2019 05:20    1

Arisha54 Arisha54  03.10.2020 21:26
1. I like to have a good breakfast of bread, butter, milk or
cream. 2. Where is the butter? – It is in the fridge. 3. Put the milk on the
gas-stove. 4. Pass me the cream, please. 5. In England friends often meet at tea time for a chat while they have their cup of tea, a cake or a bread-and-butter. 6. Chalk is white. 7. You must not drink cold water. 8. The
water in this lake is warm. 9. Some kinds of glass are as strong as
metal. 10. Different kinds of artificial silk are very common nowadays.
11. The silk of these curtains was the same colour as that of the cushions.
12. Gas and electricity are the conveniences we have in every flat.
13. The spoon is made of wood. 14. Butter and cheese are made
from milk. 15. I’m afraid the milk has gone sour, Ann. 16. She ate
ice-cream after dinner and fell ill.
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