I (inform) about the robbery by police officer. * When you came in, we (discuss) all questions.
* Have you ever appeared on TV? - Actually, I recently (ask) to take part in a talk show.
* Honey (gather) by bees.
* Why can’t I use your car? - Because it (service) at the moment.
* Who looks after your baby when you’re at work? - Well, she (look after) by my mother.
* The river (divide) the town into two parts.
* Nobody (tell) me about it yesterday.
* This city (divide) into two parts by the river.
* We (receive) the letter two hours ago.
* You can (find) many interesting facts in this article .
* Have you moved the house yet? - Yes, the last boxes just (move) *

nikusy2005 nikusy2005    3   23.03.2021 13:17    1

Kurban9595 Kurban9595  22.04.2021 13:17

1) was informed  

2) discussed  

3) was asked

4) gathered  

5) is out of service  

6) is looked after  

7) divided  

8) told

9) was divided  

10) received  

11) find

12) moved

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