I. Fill in the gaps with the Infinitives in the set expressions.
to cut a long story short – короче говоря, to say the least of it – не говоря уж
to tell the truth – сказать по правде,… leaves much to be desired – оставляет желать лучшего
to put it mildly – мягко говоря, to be difficult to deal with – трудно иметь дело с
to begin with- начнем с того, что…, to be hard to please – трудно угодить
to be pleasant to look at – приятно посмотреть на, to have nothing (nobody) …

1) She has got an awful character. She is … … .
2) The story of their love is very long. … they finally got married.
3) … we were greatly surprised … … .
4) I am not going to blame her for her behaviour. … … she was impolite.
5) I didn’t like the new film.I think it … … .
6) He never likes anything and is … … .
7) My brother is fond of reading.He has read all the books in our home library,so now he has … … .
8) My grandmother has … … . That’s why she feels lonely.
9) … … Canada is a large northern country.
10) My mother won’t come to school today. … … I haven’t told her.

II. Choose the correct answer.
1) Are you sure you told me? I don’t remember … about it.
a) having told b) having being told c) to have told d) to have been told
2) Dan appears … some weight.Has he been ill?
a) having lost b) having been lost c) to have lost d) to have been lost
3) We would like … to the president’s reception,but we weren’t … .
a) having invited b) having been invited c) to have invited d) to have been invited
4) The spy admitted … some highly secret information to enemy agents.
a) having given b) having been given c) to have given d) to have been given
5) We were shocked to hear the news of your … .
a) having fired b) having been fired c) to be fired d) to have been fired
6) The baby continued … even after she was picked up.
a) being crying b) having cried c) to cry d) having been crying

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