I. fill in the gaps in the text with the phrases below:
i have two brothers – the twins and i … them most of the time. but it’s the same in
every family: there are always times when we are … and … . we … our room and it
usually happens in the morning. the brothers … making a fuss. as i am the eldest i
try to be the first … . however, i think if i were … i would feel lonely.
share, quarreling, get on my nerves, get on with, a single child, fighting, to make up
ii. arrange the words into sentences:
1. of, our, are, there, five, us, family, in.
2. you, any, have, siblings, got?
3. tonight, guests, is, she, receiving.
4. each, never, we, with, fight, other.
5. always, they, quarrel, do?
iii. make the sentences negative:
1. i am living in the hostel now.
2. they often quarrel.
3. my parents are celebrating their marriage jubilee.
4. ann misses her relatives.
5. i am sharing the car with my elder sister.
iv. ask special questions to the underlined words:
1. mum usually congratulates my aunt by sms. (how)
2. granny is watching a serial. (what)
3. the twins quarrel because they share a computer. (why)
v. translate the dialogue into english. use the words - to miss, unfortunately, to
lift, a railway station, to drive:
– вы опаздываете на автобус, да?
- да, к сожалению. не могли бы вы подвести меня до ж.д. вокзала?
- о'кей! я думаю, что я составлю вам компанию. я как раз еду в ту сторону.
- . теперь, я думаю, что успею (catch) на поезд и приеду вовремя на
день рождения бабушки.
- хорошо, когда внучка поздравляет свою бабушку не только по телефону.