I. fill in the gaps: contest, rent, exhibition, extend, journey, insect repellent, view, trip, hire, take. 1) our guide suggested going to an interesting … at the local museum and watching some unusual paintings and sculptures. 2) we put some … on so as to keep mosquitoes away. 3) the teacher advised james to take part in a writing …. 4) i’d prefer to … a flat instead of staying in a hotel. 5) our two week … to scotland was the experience of a lifetime. i’ll never forget it. 6) if you want to … a stay in the hotel, you should address a receptionist. 7) peter had a lot of luggage, so he decided to … a taxi to the airport. 8) the … from our window was of the beautiful green countryside. 9) tom had to … a driver for a while as he couldn’t drive a car himself after the operation. 10) last weekend we went on a two day … to the mountains.

danila9988p09k31 danila9988p09k31    3   17.09.2019 20:30    26

kachanovskiyge kachanovskiyge  07.10.2020 22:35
1. Exhibition
2. Insect repellent
3. Contest
4. Rent
5. Journey
6. Extend
7. Take
8. View
9. Hire
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