I. convert into indirect speech. преобразовать в косвенную речь. 1. “he is a clever man,” says elisabeth. 2. she says: “i shall come to see you tomorrow.” 3. nick said: “i have never been to london.” 4. he said: “i saw them at my parents’ house last year.” 5. i said to boris: “does you friend live in london? ”

maks197rus maks197rus    3   21.05.2019 02:10    1

annamironenkosp0dly3 annamironenkosp0dly3  14.06.2020 22:17

1. Elizabeth says that he is a clever boy.

2. She says that she will come to see him  tomorrow.

3. Nick said that he had never been to London.

4. He said he had seen them at his parents' house previous  year.

5. I asked Boris if his friend  lived in London.

Сахса2006 Сахса2006  14.06.2020 22:17

1.Elizabeth says that he is a clever boy

2.She says that she will come to see him  tomorrow

3.Nick said that he had never been to London

4.He said that he had seen them at his parents' house previous  year

5.I said to Boris if his friend  lived in London?

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