i .complete the sentences with proper prepositions:
1. she has been reading the novel …….fits & starts for a month already.
2. i can’t swear …….it, but i think she is contributing articles to our newspaper.
3. ………my annoyance they have revealed our secret.
4. the wounded animal roared . pain.
5. jenny’s remarks were indecent (неприличные, непристойные) & we all felt indignant ………..them.
6. never hit animals .sticks.
7. sara wasthose bushes but we could see her long shadow.
8. ignorance the law is no excuse.
9. sir walter left the room ..annoyance.
10. never dare you hit her the face.
11. we have lived for many years .total ignorance ………. the fact that we have an elder brother.
12. in my opinion his refusal to accept the invitation will be regarded as an insult ………the whole family.
13. he said he couldn’t swear ………it, but in his view nora had stolen the documents.
14. we understand that the situation is ..our control.
15. unfortunately my little brother hit his knee .the chair & didn’t want to play.
16. how dare you shout & swear ……….your mother?

ii.give the russian equivalents:
1- an insult
2- to resist /to resist the temptation
3- earnest
4- fierce
5- to admit one’s ignorance
6- to annoy - annoyance
7- beyond
8- to have a fit /by fits & starts/ to throw a fit
9- irresistible
10- to roar
11- indignant
12- an incident
13- to confess one’s ignorance

iii.word –building
1. the enemy offered strong but it was broken down. resist
2. he was a true .. ignorance
3. she was a believer, & she said with . that it indignant
seemed such an awful thing to begin the day like that.
4. he would go out for a stroll round the garden & incident
hear the bagpipes hitting a high note without being prepared for it.
5. she is about computers. ignorance
6. these apples are sour, how ! annoy
7. if you say something ., you say it very seriously. earnest
8. the wind was blowing it was hard to breath. fierce
9. & using swearwords are considered offensive. swear
10. a lot of people were very to the idea of working resist
at the weekend.

iv.choose the right words to complete the sentences & translate the phrasal verb:
1. suddenly i hit on/ out a radical solution to the problem.
2. they accused him of not having done enough, & he hit back/ out at their claims.
3. if you criticize the way james works, he is sure to hit for/ back.
4. some companies would be hit at/ for millions of dollars in fine.
5. in her speech she hit on/ out against the club’s petty rules.
6. he didn’t see the people attacking him, he just hit back/ out wildly in all directions.
7. i t was clear that sooner or later the police would hit at/ upon the truth.
8. in his article the journalist hit back/ out at racism.
9. the sneer was obvious, but he didn’t hit for/ out.
10. colin never starts a fight, but if somebody hits him, he hits them back/ on.

v.match the synonyms with the definitions:

to cry/ to sob/ to weep
1. jane took the death of her younger brother badly & sobbed her heart out.
2. sarah didn’t want anybody to see that she was upset, so she quickly went to her room where she wept bitter tears.
3. the child was weeping for his mother.
4. don’t you dare cry in public!
5. he put his head on his arms & cried like a baby.
6. she began to sob uncontrollably.
7. weeping, the mourners followed the coffin to the churchyard.
8. she couldn’t stop crying & sobbed herself to sleep.

to take/ to bring to /to fetch
1. he brought his friends with him when he came to see us.
2. could you fetch me my hat from the corridor?
3. please, bring rulers & pencils to every lesson.
4. when i travel i always take little luggage with me.
5. could you fetch the dry-cleaning on your way home?
6. i want to be taken seriously.
7. he took what i said as a criticism.
8. spring brings warm weather.
to long/ to yearn/ to wish
1. she wished she had stayed at home.
2. we are longing for your return.
3. ruth knows she will never be able to visit her motherland but all these years she has been yearning to visit it.
4. everyone has the right to get a higher education if he or she wishes.
5. it was cold outside & mary was longing for a hot bath.
6. i don’t want to be melodramatic but i’m sure i can hear someone downstairs.
7. he has long yearned to see her but i doubt that he ever will.

alyakozlova22 alyakozlova22    2   30.09.2019 10:22    289

Arina0903 Arina0903  09.01.2024 11:43
1. She has been reading the novel in fits and starts for a month already.
- The preposition "in" is used here to indicate the way she has been reading the novel, which is in an irregular or intermittent manner.

2. I can't swear to it, but I think she is contributing articles to our newspaper.
- The preposition "to" is used here to indicate the direction or recipient of her contribution, which is the newspaper.

3. To my annoyance, they have revealed our secret.
- The preposition "to" is used here to indicate the person affected by or experiencing the annoyance, which is me.

4. The wounded animal roared in pain.
- The preposition "in" is used here to indicate the condition or state in which the animal is roaring, which is pain.

5. Jenny's remarks were indecent and we all felt indignant at them.
- The preposition "at" is used here to indicate the feeling or emotion directed towards Jenny's remarks, which is indignation.

6. Never hit animals with sticks.
- The preposition "with" is used here to indicate the instrument or means used for hitting, which are sticks.

7. Sara was hiding behind those bushes but we could see her long shadow.
- The preposition "behind" is used here to indicate the position of Sara in relation to the bushes, which is at the back of them.

8. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
- The preposition "of" is used here to indicate the possession or relation between ignorance and the law.

9. Sir Walter left the room in annoyance.
- The preposition "in" is used here to indicate the condition or state in which Sir Walter left the room, which is annoyance.

10. Never dare to hit her in the face.
- The preposition "in" is used here to indicate the specific part or target of the hit, which is the face.

11. We have lived for many years in total ignorance of the fact that we have an elder brother.
- The preposition "in" is used here to indicate the condition or state in which we have been living, which is ignorance.

12. In my opinion, his refusal to accept the invitation will be regarded as an insult to the whole family.
- The preposition "to" is used here to indicate the recipient or affected party of the insult, which is the whole family.

13. He said he couldn't swear to it, but in his view, Nora had stolen the documents.
- The preposition "to" is used here to indicate the recipient or affected party of his view, which is Nora.

14. We understand that the situation is beyond our control.
- The preposition "beyond" is used here to indicate the extent or limit to which the situation is not under our control.

15. Unfortunately, my little brother hit his knee against the chair and didn't want to play.
- The preposition "against" is used here to indicate the direction or contact between his knee and the chair.

16. How dare you shout and swear at your mother?
- The preposition "at" is used here to indicate the target or recipient of the shouting and swearing, which is the mother.

Russian equivalents:

1. an insult - оскорбление
2. to resist /to resist the temptation - сопротивляться / сопротивляться искушению
3. earnest - серьезный, ревностный, усердный
4. fierce - жестокий, сильный, яростный
5. to admit one's ignorance - признавать свою невежество
6. to annoy - беспокоить, раздражать; annoyance - раздражение
7. beyond - за, сверх (превышать); beyond one's depth - за пределами чьего-то понимания
8. to have a fit /by fits & starts/ to throw a fit - впадать в припадок, погружаться (в работу) рывками
9. irresistible - непреодолимый, невозможный отказ
10. to roar - реветь, рычать
11. indignant - возмущенный, обиженный
12. an incident - происшествие, случай
13. to confess one's ignorance - признавать свое незнание


1. The enemy offered strong resistance, but it was broken down.
2. He was a true ignoramus.
3. She was a believer, and she said with indignation that it seemed such an awful thing to begin the day like that.
4. He would go out for a stroll round the garden and hear the bagpipes hitting a high note without being prepared for it.
5. She is ignorant about computers.
6. These apples are sour. How annoying!
7. If you say something earnestly, you say it very seriously.
8. The wind was blowing fiercely, and it was hard to breathe.
9. Using swearwords is considered offensive.
10. A lot of people were very resistant to the idea of working at the weekend.

Choose the right words to complete the sentences & translate the phrasal verb:

1. Suddenly, I hit upon a radical solution to the problem. (натолкнуться на)
2. They accused him of not having done enough, and he hit back at their claims. (ответить острой реакцией)
3. If you criticize the way James works, he is sure to hit back. (отвечать на критику)
4. Some companies would be hit for millions of dollars in fines. (пострадать)
5. In her speech, she hit out against the club's petty rules. (выйти с острыми высказываниями против)
6. He didn't see the people attacking him, he just hit out wildly in all directions. (размахивать)
7. It was clear that sooner or later the police would hit upon the truth. (найдут)
8. In his article, the journalist hit back at racism. (реагировать с острой реакцией на)
9. The sneer was obvious, but he didn't hit out. (отвечать острой реакцией)
10. Colin never starts a fight, but if somebody hits him, he hits them back. (отвечать)

Match the synonyms with the definitions:

To cry:
- To sob
- To weep

1. Jane took the death of her younger brother badly and sobbed her heart out.
2. Sarah didn't want anybody to see that she was upset, so she quickly went to her room where she wept bitter tears.
3. The child was weeping for his mother.
4. Don't you dare cry in public!
5. He put his head on his arms and cried like a baby.
6. She began to sob uncontrollably.
7. Weeping, the mourners followed the coffin to the churchyard.
8. She couldn't stop crying and sobbed herself to sleep.

To take:
- To bring to
- To fetch

1. He brought his friends with him when he came to see us.
2. Could you fetch me my hat from the corridor?
3. Please, bring rulers and pencils to every lesson.
4. When I travel, I always take little luggage with me.
5. Could you fetch the dry-cleaning on your way home?
6. I want to be taken seriously.
7. He took what I said as a criticism.
8. Spring brings warm weather.

To long:
- To yearn
- To wish

1. She wished she had stayed at home.
2. We are longing for your return.
3. Ruth knows she will never be able to visit her motherland, but all these years she has been yearning to visit it.
4. Everyone has the right to get a higher education if he or she wishes.
5. It was cold outside, and Mary was longing for a hot bath.
6. I don't want to be melodramatic, but I'm sure I can hear someone downstairs.
7. He has long yearned to see her, but I doubt that he ever will.
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