I. chose the right variant. 1. jeremy basketball this season; he wants to concentrate on his studies. doesn’t play hasn’t been playing isn’t playing hasn’t played 2. what with yourself? there is mud all over you! has you been doing are doing did you do have been doing 3. as far as i know mike italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much. is learning has been learning has learnt learns 4. i am sorry ann can’t come to the phone right now because she a shower. is taking has taken takes has been taking 5. how long jerry? - but i don’t know him at all. i have never met him. do you know have you known has you known did you know 6. - hello! may i speak to john, please? - sorry, he is out. he has gone to the library. he for his history exam there. has been reading is reading reads has read 7. excuse me i a public telephone. is there one near here? have been looking for have looked for look for am looking for 8. her family from town to town ever since she can remember. is moving has moved moves has been moving 9. about 85 percent of american students public schools, which are supported by state and local taxes. attend are attending have attended have been attending 10. you may take this magazine. i through it already. look have looked am looking have been looking 11. i don’t like alice. she about difficulties of life all the time. complains is complaining has complained has been complaining 12. nora, you look awfully tired. what all day? do you do are you doing have you been doing have you done 13. sara, my next door neighbour, has a car, but she it very often. doesn’t use isn’t using hasn’t used hasn’t been using 14. i think you very silly. don't get out of bed. you’ll only make your temperature go up again. are are being were have been 15. peter and mary on the platform. they have been waiting for their train for half an hour. have been standing are standing stand have stood

лиана252 лиана252    3   05.09.2019 19:10    79

Kamilla1472 Kamilla1472  06.10.2020 19:50
1. isnt playing
2 did you do
3has been learning
4is taking
5have you known
6is reading
7am looking for
8has been moving
9are attending
10have looked
11is complaining
12 have you been doing
13doesnt use
14are being
15are standing
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