I. choose the right words to complete the sentences. bob and bill can’t agree. their opinions are … . a) different b) various. 2. their house is … a lovely green park. a)besides b) beside 3. trains were …. long before cars. a) invented b) discovered 4. john looked … and unhappy. a) sad b) sadly 5. he met her a … of years ago. a) couple b) pair 6. my sister … go to edinburgh than to glasgow. a) had better b) would rather 7. driving at such a speed is really … . a) silly b) foolish 8. many species of animals have now … from the face of the earth. a) disappeared b) vanished 9. little john has … the poem well. a) learnt b) studied 10. better do things … than never. a) late b) lately 11. … i’ll travel round the world. a) maybe b) may be 12. are you looking for your watch? … … on your wrist. a) they are b) it is 13. the price of the strawberries was … so we bought a lot. a) funny b) ridiculous 14. … colour are her eyes? a) what b) which 15. how do … communicate? a) dumb b) the dumb ii. choose the right item to complete the sentences. i … stop smoking. (it’s my own decision) a) must b) have to 2. we … go to the mountains in july, but father is not sure he will be free. a) may b) might 3. i … to find the street but i couldn’t find the house. a) managed to b) could 4…. you help with this exercise. ( to your friend) a) can b) could 5. i … clean my room yesterday. a) must b) had to 6. you … shout so loudly. i can hear you well. a) mustn’t b) don’t have to 7. oh, my! i … wash a lot of dirty dishes tonight. a) have to b) have got to 8. the queen … visit japan last year. a) should b) was to 9. … i speak to mr. brown? (in the office) a) can b) could 10. we … reserve seats – there’ll be plenty of seats on the train. a) needn’t b) mustn’t iii. choose the right preposition. james dropped … of the game at the very beginning. a) in b) off c) on d) out 2. hold …, i’ll call her. a) off b) on c) out d)in 3. “it’s time to hand … your works! ” said the teacher. a) down b) in c) out d) over 4. the police broke the door … . a) down b) away c) into d) out 5. come … the grass! a) across b) over c) off d) down 6. i’ve seen him … quite a lot recently. a) around b) through c) to d) off 7. what’s the matter? - a fire broke … in the hotel. a) down b) away c) into d) out 8. he came … with the flu. a) across b) off c) down d) over. iv. choose the right form of the word /v/ vto/ ving/. 1. will mrs sanders allow you … us? a) to join b) joining 2. i regret … the film. everybody says it’s worth seeing. a) to miss b) missing 3. did you remember … my medicine. a) to buy b) buying 4. it has stopped … . a) to rain b) raining 5. dan … that we should meet more often. a) offered b) suggested 6, when we lived abroad we got used to … in hotels. a) live b) living 7. i wonder who … . a) invite b) to invite 8. do you mind my … the window. a) open b) opening v. open the brackets. use the right form of the verbs. but for the rain we (go) for a walk now. if yan (go) to university when he was younger, he (be) a lawyer now. if jane (buy) enough apples at the market, she (bake) an apple pie for lunch last sunday. if english (be) my native language, i (not need) an interpreter now. if david (not cheat) at his test then, he (not be punished) now. if i (be) in london now, i (visit) the national gallery. i wish she (be) with us yesterday. if they ( not arrive) so late last night, they (not go) to the hotel by taxi.

Ромашка100500 Ромашка100500    2   02.09.2019 12:10    7

chechia chechia  03.08.2020 14:49
1 a
2 b
4 a
5 a
6 b
7 b
8 a
9 a
10 a
11 b
12 b
15 a

2 a
3 a
4 a
5 a
6 b
7 b
8 b
9 b
10 a

1 d
7 d
8 a
Ex 4
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 b
5 b
6 a
7 b
8 b
Ex 5
1 shall go
2 went. . . would be
3 had bought. . . would have baked
4 were. . . wouldn't need
5 hadn't cheated . . . wouldn't have been punished
6 am. . . shall visit
7 were
8 haven't arrived. . . wouldn't have gone
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