I Choose the right form from the variants below.
1. My sister…very clever.
a) does b) is c) has
2. My friends are students, …?
a) aren`t they b) are they c) do they
3. Mary … not like cooking.
a) do b) does c) has
4. …you like your job?
a) do b) does c) is
5. This is … teacher.
a) we b) our c) ours
6. The children … in the garden.
a) is b) are c) am
7. This is the … bag.
a) lady`s b) ladies`s c) ladys`
8. We start school on the … September.
a) fifth b) first c) fourth
9. My father … than my mother.
a) old b) older c) the oldest
10. Can I … your pen?
a) take b) to take c) takes
11. She starts her work … nine o`clock.
a) on b) in c) at
12. Mary usually … with her friends at six o`clock.
a) plays b) is playing c) play
6 points

guna3 guna3    3   29.04.2020 12:48    10

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