I. choose the correct answer 1 if you drop the vase my mother … you. a) punishes b) will punish c) would punish 2 if she … not so slowly she would enjoy the party. a) were b) is c) will be 3 if we had a chicken we … it. a) cooked b) would cook c) were cooking 4 if you … my library book i will have to buy a new one. a) will lose b) lost c) lose 5 if she … you were in hospital she would have visited you. a) had known b) knew c) would have known 6 if i have a computer i … computer studies. a) would learn b) will learn c) lear.

Розетта99 Розетта99    1   26.06.2019 03:20    2

aluanakim aluanakim  21.07.2020 01:49
1 If you drop the vase my mother … you. b) will punish
2 If she … not so slow she would enjoy the party. a) were
3 If we had a chicken we … it.  b) would cook
4 If you … my library book I will have to buy a new one. c) lose
5 If she … you were in hospital she would have visited you. a) had known
6 If I have a computer I … Computer Studies. b) will learn
Locko3 Locko3  21.07.2020 01:49
1 b
2 a
3 b
4 c
5 a
6 b
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