I am sure I … go now The train … arrive in 2 hours

... he to receive me tomorrow ?

I ... not go to the cinema yesterday

Yesterday I ... clarify some matters with the manager

During the talks we discussed some business ...

Where are children? They are playing in ___ yard, right behind house

We decided to stop at foot of mountain to have rest

I haven't got a car but my sister

Who she visit every Saturday?

I last week

Ann born in London 1966

I often see her school

Mark his first car when he was 16

I to the library yesterday

When did you last a holiday?

Where you live when you a child?

'Who in this house?' 'I don't know.'

“Who you?”

Mary goes bed at 10 o’clock

My daughter goes to school bus

Bill a holiday last August and he to Italy

children have you got?

… I help you ?

Insert a suitable modal verb. When ___ you come and see us in our new house?

Insert a suitable modal verb. I ___ understand him because I don't speak French

Insert a suitable modal verb. Kendra ___ finish her homework on time, or she can't go outside to play with her friends

Insert a suitable modal verb. you wait a moment, please?

Insert a suitable modal verb. People to keep their words.

Insert a suitable modal verb. He is terribly fat. He eat too much.

Мисаки11111 Мисаки11111    2   11.12.2020 20:41    19

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