How is paper produced
Fill in the gaps with verbs in Passive Voice.

add • dry • introduce • invent • mix • not make • not need • produce • use (x2)

Paper …. from wood. The fibres of wood from trees … with water until they become a soft wet pulp, which … . This method of paper-making … in ​the 2nd century BC in China. However, early writing material … always … from wood. In fact, the word paper comes from papyrus plants which … by the Egyptians to make a form of paper in 3,000 BC. When machines for paper making … in the 19th century, paper became easy to afford. Today, one of the problems with the huge production of paper is that a chemical called chlorine … to make the paper white. “Recycling is important, because chlorine … and less energy … for recycled paper.

lisovskymaxim2006 lisovskymaxim2006    2   08.05.2020 12:07    203

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