Hi Jane, what are you 1 to amelorate doing / going to do/ do
your marks?
2 understand / forget /
I think it's really hard to get good marks when you don't forgive
- lessons. Sol ☺
3) had to / have to / will
careful in class and try to ask teachers for help if things are have to
not clear
4 memories / grades /
Is that all ?
Not really, I'm planning to take private courses in maths 5 easy / easier / easiest
and French because I'm really interested in them. Now
what about you ? Any plans?
Yes, I promised mum to improve my @
I will try my best in English because it's the 5
subject. I'm thinking of buying extra activity books to
get more practice.​

syuzannsckorny syuzannsckorny    3   27.04.2021 16:52    1

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