Hi, Jane! How are you? I'm writing to you about my holiday in
Spain, on the island of Menorca. It was fantastic! I went
there with my sisters. We stayed at a hotel near the
Atlantic Ocean. The sand there is very warm and white! I
swam in water every morning and evening. We climbed
some mountains and we saw a small waterfall there. We
took many pictures of beautiful fish. I rode a funny water
bike and a boat too! It was a wonderful holiday!
Write and tell me about your holiday.
Take care, Kate
Write the necessary word
Example (rpumep)
1. Kate is writing about her holiday in Spain/France.
Spain (OTBET)
1. Kates' sisters stayed near lake Altai/on the Island of Menorca,
2. The hotel was near the Atlantic Ocean/near a waterfall
3. Kate swam only in the morning/every morning and evening.
4. The sisters were in a rainforest near a waterfall,
5. Kate rode only a boat/a funny water bike and a boat,

Diana2004250 Diana2004250    2   08.12.2020 13:16    0

nastialeon nastialeon  07.01.2021 13:17

2. Atlantic Ocean

3. every morning and evening

4. near waterfall

5. a funny water bike and a boat


ayzhan1979 ayzhan1979  07.01.2021 13:17

1.kates sisters stayednear lake on the island of menorca

2.the hotel was near the atlantik near a waterfall





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