Hi Jack, How are you? My name's Lucy. I'm 14 and I'm from France.
I've got a great stuffed toy collection. My favourite one is a zebra.
Its name is Fred. It's got stripes and big ears. It's a souvenir from
the UK. I like basketball a lot. It's my favourite hobby. My friend
Nick has got a great collection of caps. Have you got a
collection? What's your favourite hobby?
1. What nationality is Lucy?
2. What animal is Fred?
3. Where is Lucy's favourite toy from?
4. What is Lucy's hobby?
5. What is Nick's collection?
Total [5]​

сафийка3 сафийка3    3   26.10.2020 13:26    1

Zeerorrrrrr Zeerorrrrrr  25.11.2020 13:27

1. French

2. Zebra

3. UK

4. Basketball

5. Caps


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