Hi, everybody, My name is Jane. I live in a nice village in the north-east of London. My best friends, Sally and Paula, live there too, but I live in Church Street and they live in Town Square. We’re very happy here.

There aren’t so many places as in London, of course, but we’ve got lots to do. There’s a big community centre where you can do a lot of activities. My mother does yoga twice a week, my brother plays tennis with his friends and my and my friends have drama classes on Friday.

In my village there’s a small theatre where we can see films. Next to the theatre there’s a big cafeteria. Mr Smith is the owner and makes delicious sandwiches and pizzas. I sometimes have dinner with my family there.

My school isn’t very big, but it’s new and has got a nice playground. There aren’t any bookshops or clothes shops, but there’s a nice library where we can study and borrow books.

In my village there are two supermarkets and a wonderful park. There are lots of flowers and trees. I love jogging and riding my bike at weekends.

Task 1.Read the text and choose the best title

a)My village

b)The places of interest

LenaFox456 LenaFox456    2   13.12.2020 11:27    2

ANGELINA69Z ANGELINA69Z  12.01.2021 11:27

Task 1.Read the text and choose the best title

a)My village

b)The places of interest

Answer : b)

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