Хей, с . нужно написать сообщение майклу из калифорнии. аля "как ты себя чувствуешь? ", "что делал в течении дня? ", "нравится ли тебе там? ". ну, вопросы любые по и, от 90 до 120 слов (можно больше, но не меньше).

sergey19751975 sergey19751975    2   02.10.2019 11:30    0

Анечка04Анюта Анечка04Анюта  09.10.2020 11:38




Dear Mikle,

I'm sorry it took me so long to write to you because I just got back from Moscow. How are things? My parents said you moved into a big two-story house with a huge pool and terrace. You have a beautiful neighborhood?

What about neighbors?How's the new school treating you? Have you met anyone yet? I miss you so much with my friends. I'm sorry I have to finish my letter now because I have to do my homework.

Write back soon

Best wishes,


Asandyana Asandyana  09.10.2020 11:38

Hi Michael, how are you? For a long time, we have not corresponded with you, what are you doing, how are things, with your sister Ismiralda. Today I went to the cinema, with friends, and I liked the guy there, he looked at me so much that I could not tear my eyes away from him. We watched the movie Avengers, a very cool movie, I recommend you watch it. How did you spend your day? You liked it, in California? They came, I’m welcome to have some souvenir, I’ll wait very much. I have a boyfriend, his name is Sega, he is very cute and plays the guitar, we can hug for a long time, and then he can play and sing for me. And you have a girlfriend? See you soon Michael, I will soon come to you for the holidays, I will wait for your message. Bye Bye

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