Here are some words from the text you are going to read. Read the sentences. Circle the answer that best matches the meaning of each highlighted word. 1. He is a PROMINENT person in his country.
a) strong. b) very well-known
2. He's a great composer and IMPROVISER.
a)a musician who performs without preparation.
b)a celebrity
3. The local COUNEIL is responsible for repairing roads
a)the highest political position in some countries.
b)a group of people who are elected to control a town, city, or area
4.He is a VETERINARIAN;he is very kind to animals
5.The magazine agreed to PUBLISH his story
a) to prepare and print a story, etc
b) to write a story
6.She wanted to enjoy his moment of GLORY
a) great beauty. b)praise and respect
7.He won the best actor AWARD
a) a prize. b)money

maksatovna17 maksatovna17    3   30.11.2021 15:34    22

karleusastar karleusastar  30.11.2021 15:40
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