Хэлппп, местоимения

What do you want (we) to do?
2. I wish (she) to stay with my children tonight.
3. Peter asked (we) to give (he) a call.
4. Let (they) do it.
5. I want (he) to lend (I) a few books.
6. I do not expect (she) to be back before 6 o’clock.
7. I asked (she) to introduce (I) to Professor Smith.
8. Try to make (she) change her mind.
9. She needs (he) to help (she).
10. Tell (I) what you would like (she) to do.
11. He does not like (I) to say such things.
12. We knew (she) to be very brave.
13. He asked (he) to send (he) letter to (he) son.
14. We were waiting for (we) friends to come.
15. Mother asked (she) son to put on (he) gloves.
16. I heard (they) daughter crying in (she) room.
17. The man wanted (he) to have dinner together.
18. I do not expect (he) to meet (we) at 6 o’clock.
19. Make (he) repair the broken toy.
20. I consider (he) to be right to tell (he) the truth.
21. He has made five mistakes in (he) essay.
22. I could not prevent (he) from staying at home.
23. Have you seen (they) this morning?
24. I told (he) he should not speak while eating.
25. The children ran out of (they) classroom.
26. She asked (she) mother to go to the cinema with (he).
27. The water was too cold for (they) to bathe.
28. I expect (she) to help (I).
29. I want (he) to become (I) assistant.
30. I would like (we) book to be presented at (they) exhibition.
31. These shoes will be too uncomfortable for (she) to wear.
32. I told (they) to visit the doctor.
33. They could not prevent (they) parents from that terrible news.
34. I do not expect (we) to win this competition.
35. Mother made (she) daughter eat the dinner.
36. I heard (he) playing the piano.
37. He saw (they) crossing the street with (he).
38. The manager of the company asked (he) workers to come on time.
39. The play impressed (she) very much.
40. The child asked (he) mother to go for a walk.
41. I did not expect (she) to make this stupid mistake.
42. This dish is very popular with (I) friends in Italy.
43. (I) grandmother asked (I) to bring (she) a cup of tea.

Gulnarhidayetova Gulnarhidayetova    3   13.04.2020 14:18    1

goverdovskay123 goverdovskay123  13.10.2020 04:04

1.we are

2.she is

3.we are he is

4.they are

5.he is. I am

6.she is

7.she is I am

8.she is

9.he is she is

10.I am she is

11.I am

12. She is

13. He is. He is. He is

14. We are

15. She is. He is

16. They are she is

17. He is

18. He is. We is

19. He is

20. He is. He is

21. He is

22. He is

23. They are

24. He is

25. They are

26. She is

27. She is. He is

28. She is I am

29. He is l am

30. We are they are

31. She is

32.they are

33. They are

34. We are

35. She is

36. He is

37. They are

38. He is

39.she is

40. She is

41. She is

42. I am

43. I am. I am she is


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