Хэлпаните, ВЫДАМ
Study the definitions and match a noun and an adjective. Pay attention to the suffixes.
1) Contemptible – worthy of contempt. Достойный презрения, презренный..
Contemptuous – showing contempt. Презрительный.
Contempt of public opinion; contempt coward (traitor);
contempt smile, look.

2) Cultured – cultivated, refined. Культурный, образованный.
Cultural – having to do with culture. Культурный, связанный с развитием культуры
cultur studies; cultur accent; cultur heritage;
cultur speech; cultur revolution; cultur exchange

3) Economic – of or pertaining to the science of economics; connected with commerce,
systems of productions. Экономический,, связанный с экономикой
economical – careful in the spending of money, time, etc and in the use of goods.
Экономный, бережливый.
Economcrisis ; econom housewife; econom situation;
Economic use od space; econom development

4) exhaustive – thorough, complete; Исчерпывающий, полный.
inexhaustible – that can not be exhausted or used up. Неисчерпаемый.
inquiry, patience; account;
information; energy supply, resources

5) honourary of a degree, rank, position given as a honour. Почетный, присуждаемый в знак
признания заслуг.
honourable – possessing or showing the principles of honour, consistent with honour;
почетный, заслуживающий уважения
honoured – treated with honour; уважаемый
doctorate; behaviour; citizen;duty;
intentions; award; guest, visitor

6) respectful – showing respect. Почтительный, проявляющий уважение;
respectable – deserving respect; good or proper in character, appearance, behavior,etc;
почтенный, внушающий уважение, респектабельный.
respect distance; respect silence; respect person;
respect look; respect place; respectconduct

7) skilful-having or showing skill; искусный, умелый;
skilled – having skill, trained or experienced at work that requires skill;
skil hands, skil labour, skil worker, skil workmen

8) social – living in groups, not separately; of or in society; социальный, общественный;
sociable – friendly, liking company; общительный.
person, contacts; changes;
customs; fellow; reforms;

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