Хелп. put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continious a: excuse me. i 1) for) mr harris. b: he's upstairs. i ) there myself. a: oh really? can i come with you? b: of course. /work) here? a: yes. i ) in the sales departament. how about you? b: i 5) ) mr harris secretary, susan blair. a: tony miller. nice to meet you. b: nice to meet you, too. a: /do) anything later? we could go for a coffe after work. b: i usually ) work at four, but today i ) late because we ) an important meeting and mr harris. ) me. sorry - some other time, perhaps.

Саша7647 Саша7647    2   04.07.2019 16:40    1

сонечка281006 сонечка281006  02.10.2020 20:10
1) looking for
2) going
3) Do you work
4) work
5) am
6) Are you going to do
7) leave
8) stayed
9) have
10) needs
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