Хелп нигде не нашел ответов нашел только сайт с этим если не понятно будет,то скину ссылку на сайт a robot with feelings is star of science museum show scientists have developed a robot that can react emotionally to the way people treat him, relaxing when it feels kindness and showing fear and anger. heart robot has a beating heart, a breathing belly and sensors that react to movement, noise and touch. if you hug him he will melt in emotions. if you give him a violent shake or shout at him he will get upset. his eyes will become wide, his heart will beat quickly. the scientists at the university of the west of england in bristol designed heart robot to study how people react to a machine that shows feelings. the robot is the size of a small child. he’s half robot, half puppet. you move him around by hand, but he shows emotions. different children react differently. some want to hug and cuddle him, and look after him like a doll or a baby; others want to scare him. the idea of robots having emotions or a personality is no longer just science fiction. 1. heart robot is called so because a) he reacts emotionally b) he has a battery like a heart c) his heart really beats 2. heart robots is when somebody shouts at him. a) pleased b) displeased c) indifferent 3. heart robot reacts to a) his name b) a song c) a hug 4. his heart beats quickly and his eyes look bigger when he is a) frightened b) happy c) interested in something 5. heart robot is designed by scientists. a) japanese b) american c) british 6. the scientists designed heart robot to a) make a new toy b) analyze people’s reaction c) make a film 7. heart robot shows emotions but he can’t a) move himself b) help about the house c) hug children 8. hear robot proves that emotional robots have become / a) part of science fiction b) a reality c) film character

hava27 hava27    3   16.09.2019 19:20    27

Scorpionoid Scorpionoid  07.10.2020 20:21
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