Хелп Modal verbs
4. 1. The control work was very difficult buteverybody
A can do it B has to do it C could do it
4.2. I'm so tired I for a week.
A can sleep B could sleep C could have slept
4.3. She
fallen and injured her leg.
Amight have B can C could D may
4.4. When the lecture to begin?
A is B must C shall
4. 5. "T'velostmykeys." "You
them somewhere.
A must drop B must have dropped
C must be dropping D must have been dropping
4. 6. John wasn't at the meeting because heout
A might not know B may not know C may not have
4. 7. Why leave early?
A had you to B did you have to C must you
D you had to

вика134475 вика134475    2   23.10.2020 13:37    2

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