Хелп ми ду ю спик инглиш
write affirmative sentences (\/), negative
sentences (х) and questions
1 my parents (work) in town.\/
2 we have lunch) at school. х
3 you (go) to a swimming club.?
4 my brother (get) up early\/
5 he (make) his bed. х
6 your friend (chat) to you.?
7 she (have breakfast) on school days. х
8 your mother (take) the bus to work. ? ​

Sark23 Sark23    1   03.09.2019 14:54    2

Azadamurshaeva Azadamurshaeva  06.10.2020 15:00

1. My parents work in town.

2. We haven't lunch at school.

3. Do you go to a swimming club?

4. My brother gets up early.

5. He doesn't make his bed.

6. Does your friend chat to you?

7. She hasn't breakfast on school days.

8. Does your mother take the bus to work?

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