Help me
можете в пасивную форму
1. the passive

1) you a letter to granny,

2) i can otice.

3) i should organize the tour of the kremlin

4) you have to being this box to my place tort.
тут новое : .
complete the sentences with the of the verbs in brackets (active passive)c

(ho plane)

2. always (to speak) english in class.

3. he usually never (to forget) to say you.

4. my father's car (to wanh) yesterday evening.

5. english (to speak) all over the work,

6 when i was yours, problems (to discuss) in from of the childecu.

7. people (to hear)) mr. but be (to see) november.

8. the plan (to ahone) to the director at the end of meeting.

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