Reading. Read the text and fill the blanks with necessary words. (Прочитайте и
впишите данные слова в пропущенные места.)
Cold , sick , teacher, essay, students, home
Lucy has a cold. Her nose is blocked, she coughs a lot , and she has a sore throat. She
felt fine last night, but now she is very 1). Lucy wants to go 2) and rest, but
she thinks she can’t. She is a student and her essay is due today. She needs to proof read
it and print it so the teacher gets it on time. Lucy’s 3) is very strict. He told Lucy
that the 4) must be handed in on time. There are eighteen 5)in the class, and
they are all very busy writing their essays. Hopefully, they won’t catch Lucy’s 6). If
the other students catch cold’s, they might take several days off school and miss out on
2. Mark the sentences True or False. (Напишите верно или нет данные
предложения, если не верно исправьте и напишите верное).
7. Lucy feels unwell
8. The teacher told that she could hand the essay later.

[ 8 ] points

Task 2.
Writing. Write questions about a holiday in New York using (be going to).
(Напишите вопросы с данными словами о выходных в Нью-Йорке используя
конструкцию be going to).
f.eg.: 0. where / you / stay / in New York / ?
Where are you going to stay in New York?
1. what / your brother / do / there / ?
2. what / you / buy / ?
3. what / places / you / visit / ?
4. where / you / eat / ?
5. how / you / travel / in New York / ?
6. you / take / a lot of photos / ?

TMTEMI TMTEMI    2   02.03.2021 10:57    5

Azilll Azilll  02.03.2021 11:00



2 home

3 teacher

4 essay

5 students

6 cold

задание b

1) T

2) F


4) F

5) T

gulmamedovaxayald gulmamedovaxayald  02.03.2021 11:00

Ex 1 1 рисунок

Ex 2 1True 2False

Ex 3 это 2 рисунок

ХЭЛП ГЛАВНОЕ ПОЛНЫЙ ОТВЕТ) Task 1 Reading. Read the text and fill the blanks with necessary words. (
ХЭЛП ГЛАВНОЕ ПОЛНЫЙ ОТВЕТ) Task 1 Reading. Read the text and fill the blanks with necessary words. (
Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык