Help №1. употребить глагол to be в правильной форме. 1) … your father at work yesterday? 2) my sisters … ill last week. 3) they … not ill now. 4) where … your mother now? – she … in the kitchen. 5) where … you yesterday? – i … at the cinema. №2. употребите глагол to have в правильной форме. 1) we … no garden now. 2) he … a new flat in the center of the town. 3) they … no lessons tomorrow. 4) what kind of car … he got? 5) when do you … your breakfast? №3. употребите оборот there is/are в нужном времени. 1) there … 30 pupils in our class now. 2) there … a new school near our house next year. 3) look, there … some flowers on the table. 4) how many students … there at the lesson yesterday? 5) there … only one room in his flat now. №4. напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе. dress, news, army, safe, sugar, child, exercise, man, photo, opportunity №5. напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных. yellow, strange, attentive, fat, cheap, pretty, experienced, dry, fast, little, serious №6. вставьте some, any или no. 1) there is … bread for dinner. go and buy it. 2) they brought … books from the library. 3) there wasn’t … water in the glass. 4) have you got … time to talk to me?

rayhan8888 rayhan8888    3   26.09.2019 14:30    15

alimbekoffniki alimbekoffniki  02.05.2020 06:35
I. 1 was 2 was 3 are 4 is, is 5 were, was 

II. 1 have 2 has 3 won't have 4 has 5 have

III. 1 are 2 will be 3 are 4 were 5 is

IV. more yellow, the most yellow,
stranger, the strangest,
more attentive, the most attentive,
fatter, the fattest
cheaper, the cheapest
prettier, the prettiest,
more experienced, the most experienced,
drier, the driest
faster, the fastest,
less, the least
more serious, the most serious

VI. 1 no 2 some 3 any 4 some
mashok3 mashok3  02.05.2020 06:35
1) was
2) was
3) are
4) is - is
5) were - was

1) have
2) has
3) will not have
4) has
5) have

1) are
2) will be
3) are
4) were
5) is

dresses, news, armies, saves, sugar, children, exercises, men, photos, opportunites

more yellow, the most yellow
stranger, the strangest
more attentive, the most attentive
fater, the fattest
cheaper, the cheapest
pretter, the prettiest
more experienced, the most experienced
drier, the driest
faster, the fastest
less, the least
more serious, the most serious

1) no
2) some
3) some
4) any
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