Hello! -hi! i havent seen vou since june.did you go on holiday? -yes, -oh,come on.tell me more about it. -lt sounds fantastic! how long did you stay there? -will you go there next summer? продолжите диалог

Anna14124 Anna14124    2   04.09.2019 13:20    3

kashamovasha kashamovasha  06.10.2020 16:59
-Hi!I havent seen vou since June.Did you go on holiday?
-Yes,l spent it at the camp
-Oh,come on.Tell me more about it.
-Well, i went to the Bulgary, to the camp. it was a big hotel, separeted for children and there parents. there were two big shops, and a big "game-room", were i spent all my free time.
-lt sounds fantastic!How long did you stay there?
-we've spent there a two weeks
-Will you go there next summer?
-i think yes. actualy, it was very intertaing, and i learnt some unuseless things.
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