. He (to spend) two weeks in Scotland two years ago ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. I (to buy) a lovely fashionable dress. Now I shall look smart at the party
10. I (to speak) to my friend yesterday
11. Look! Kate (to wash) all the dishes
12. Your mother (to return) from work? Can I speak to her?
13.. You ever (to be) to Piccadilly Circus?
14. He (not to read) Tourgenev since he was a pupil
15. I (not yet to receive) an answer to my letter.
16. She is very happy: her son (to finish) school
17.1 (not to dance) for ages.
18. When your sister (to go) to London?
19. My friend just (to recover) after a serious illness
20. The rain (to stop) but a cold wind is still blowing.
21. I (to give) you this book as soon as I (to finish) reading it……………………………………
22. What Nick (to do) when you (to ring) him up yesterday? – He (to play) the piano. He (to tell) me that he already (to write) his composition

zelim7 zelim7    2   10.12.2021 15:11    1

Артём89535014367 Артём89535014367  30.01.2022 14:53

8 spent

9 am buying

10 spoke

11 is washing

12 returned

13 have you ever been

14 has not read

15 have not receoved

16 has finished

17 have not danced

18 went

19 has recovered

20 have stoped

21 will have goven finish

22 was doing rang was playing tald


я написал как тест надеюсь

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