He (be) an actor since he was a boy. mark twain(live) in the usa. we (not to watch) the news last night. i am hungry. i (not to eat) anything since yesterday. mike (arrive) tomorrow, i hope granny (came) too. when i (leave) for school last moday the sun (shine)

roversun7 roversun7    2   17.03.2019 11:00    3

yanameleshko2016 yanameleshko2016  25.05.2020 19:30

He has been an actor since he was a boy.
Mark Twain lived in the USA.

We did not watch the news last night.

I am hungry. I have not eaten anything since yesterday.

Mike is arriving tomorrow, i hope granny  will come too.

When I left for school last Moday the sun was shining.

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