Having smiled he began to explain the task. Participle I
Participle II
Не отвечено

Вопрос 2
The main subject studied at our university is economics.
Participle II
Participle I
Не отвечено

Вопрос 3
The boys playing football in the yard were our students.
Participle II
Participle I
Не отвечено

Вопрос 4
The boy playing in the garden is my son.
Participle II
Participle I
Не отвечено

Вопрос 5
Smiling he came into the room.
Participle I
Participle II
Не отвечено

Вопрос 6
The contract signed last year was soon broken.
Participle II
Participle I
Не отвечено

Вопрос 7
The book discussed by our students is very interesting.
Participle I
Participle II

mixfix2017 mixfix2017    1   12.11.2020 14:12    2

Depaer Depaer  12.12.2020 14:19

1)Participle I

2)Participle II

3)Participle I

4)Participle I

5)Participle I

6)Participle II

7)Participle II

Счастливого списывания !

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